Updates to freshsnow.jp





Here is a list of updates:

API – currently the API is only available internally, however, there are plans to lauch it externally with user sign up required.  Currently (Oct 26, 2023), 42 fields of data are available.

freshsnow.jp currently has two main page, namely, an overview of all mountains in one map.  This is the freshsnow_ski_index page.  This is an example.  The other page only shows data for a single resort.  This is the freshsnow_ski_resort page.  Here is an example of Zao, here.

Single Resort View Page (freshsnow_ski_resort)
– to add – list of ski pistes in datatables.
– to add – when clicking on the helichopter, screen will virtually ski any piste
– to add –  when clicking the piste name, it will be highlighted in the screen
– to add – route slope profile to be shown in map.

Overview of All Resorts Page (freshsnow_ski_index)
– to add – Piste difficult by kilometers but grouped into beginner, intermediate and advanced.
– to add – snow forecast and searchable in the main ski_index overview.  In essence, you will be able to sort all mountains my snow fall today, tomorrow, next 7 days.
– to add – crowd data – see which slopes are being used the most.
– to add – allow user signup.
– to-add – allow users to add pistes, especially off piste (backcountry).

any suggestions?

Version History

Jan 4, 2024
added – links to google street maps and osm street maps from individual ski resort maps
fix – on a few individual ski resorts, stats of lifts, pistes, etc, were not displaying.  
fix – revised the display of key resort data for individual ski resorts.

Nov 23 – 2023
added – % beginner, intermediate and expert to main fresh_snow_index page.

Nov 5 -2023
change – Added 30 more ski resorts 
Before:  265 resorts, 3217 trails, 1267 lifts
After:  295 resorts, 3483 trails, 1403 lifts 

Nov 3 – 2023
fix – button layouts around datatables

Oct 26 – 2023
change – moved to Elementor for web theme design.  Changed the map to full width.
change – refactered code to run faster with less energy consumption on cell phones.
– full screen view on desktop browser version
added – home button.  If you are zoomed in, hit the home button in the map and it will zoom all the way out.
added – legend control added.  Click the L in the map and a side bar appears to show piste difficulty legend.  Your can also change the base map (2 maps available).
added – show/hide button so fields can be selected.

Mar 26, 2023 – fix – Fixed piste difficulty errors in ski_resorts.js that incorrectly grouped all difficulty levels as unrated.

Mar 21, 2023 – change – Changed codeigniter to wordpress – While I absolutely love codeigniter, a php framework, I have ported most of the code to wordpress. What took me several years to write a semi decent content management system (CMS), I have literally done the same thing in 2 weeks with wordpress. It was of course a great learning experience.

Mar 21, 2023 – change – Moved domains from freshsnow.io to freshsnow.jp – As I only intend to focus on Japan, and that’s large enough, I have forwarded traffic from freshsnow.io to freshsnow.jp.

Mar 21, 2023 – added – Icons – I am trying to keep the GUI as intuitive as possible. The main ski resort search panel now has fresh icons while the ski resort details page, graphically shows over the piste difficulty as a doughnut graph.

Mar 21, 2023 – fixed – Calculation Errors – several calculation errors were fixed and in particular, piste length.

Here is a short promo video:
